DVCAG Membership Registration Form

You are warmly invited to join Dane Valley Climate Action Group as a member.

Membership is free.

Signing up as a member of DVCAG would be a statement of support for our aims and the work we undertake.

By building its membership DVCAG will be strengthening its position. We will benefit from the input of more people and we will carry more weight when contacting MPs and local authority decision makers.

DVCAG is registered as a local action group with Friends of the Earth, which encourages us to be open and welcoming to new members.

Nevertheless, DVCAG will continue to welcome and appreciate the involvement of all volunteers in our activities, whether members or not.

Please complete the following fields and then click the "Submit" button at the bottom. Fields with a pink background are mandatory.

Personal details

First name


Year of birth (four digits eg 1963)


House number or name


Post Code

Contact details

Email address


In addition to emails, I am happy for you to contact me using the following alternative method: